潮生壁球场 欢迎您 Welcome to Nextyde Squash Court

再现经典球场 Recreating the Classic Courts

为所有人 For Everyone

超高品质保证 High-Quality Assurance

您心中的完美 Your Perfect Court

壁球场 Squash Court

全玻璃壁球场地 / Full Glass Squash Court

1. 超白钢化玻璃,辅以特殊的烧结工艺,实现完美的永久半透明效果。
Ultra-clear tempered glass, enhanced by special sintering process, achieving a perfect permanent semi-transparent effect.
2. 多年的技术迭代,优化出最完美的场地。
Years of technical iteration have optimized the perfect court.
3. 丰富的搭建经验,保证了场地的标准性,安全性,和可维护性。
Rich construction experience ensures the court’s standards, safety, and maintainability.

我们的产品 Our Products

全玻璃前墙和侧墙系统 Full Glass Front and Side Wall System

可套装出售 Available as a set

包含墙体玻璃和立筋支撑的墙体系统,配合普通墙面或者批荡墙面建设混合式球场。可指导安装。套装出售。 This system includes wall glass and vertical supports for mixed courts. Installation guidance available. Sold as a set.

铝合金五金件套装 Aluminum Alloy Hardware Set

可套装出售 Available as a set

航空铝合金型材加工而成,可用于各种场地,可套装出售,满足不同场地的需要。 Made from aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, suitable for various courts. Available as a set to meet diverse needs.

壁球场地板套装 Squash Court Flooring Set

可套装出售 Available as a set

独立研发,摩擦度和弹性更加适合壁球场地,可套装出售,并可指导铺设。 Independently developed with the perfect balance of friction and elasticity, ideal for squash courts. Sold as a set with installation guidance.

后墙系统 Rear Wall System

可套装出售 Available as a set

独立后墙玻璃系统,适用于各种场地,如批荡场地和模板场地,安装方便,同时可以尺寸定制。套装出售。 Independent rear wall glass system suitable for various courts, including plaster and template courts. Easy to install, with customizable sizes. Sold as a set.

其他服务 Other Services

定制化设计 Customized Design

如果您的场地有限制,我们可以提供定制化设计,实现非标准场地的搭建,满足您的个性化需求。 We offer customized designs to meet your specific needs if your space has limitations.

租赁服务 Rental Services

独立的展示用场地,或者长期的场地租赁。 We offer independent display courts and long-term rental options.

合作经营 Partnership Opportunities

如果您资金不足,又希望开球馆,我们可以提供场地的方式与您进行合作经营。 If you lack funding but wish to open a court, we offer partnership opportunities, including business guidance and services.

联系我们 Contact Us

联系人(Contact):张 先生 / Mr. Zhang
电话和微信(Phone & WeChat):195 3967 6925 (风来潮生)